Dec 12, 2009

Coco Chanel's Shanghai Dream .//


A new short movie created by Karl Lagerfeld showcases the story of the Coco’s unrealized dream to visit Shanghai. One have to say from the beginning that the story is fiction. No one does certainly know if Chanel really had this dream, it’s sure however that her Rue de Cambon apartment was furnished with huge Coromandel screens and she loved Chinese art. We can also guess certain similarities between the classic Chanel tweed jacket and the Chinese Mao jacket.

Perhaps Karl Lagerfeld, the couturier who keeps Coco Chanel’s fashion dream alive, is the most able to reveal what she would have done if she really made this trip. So, as you’ll see in the movie, he supposes that in Shanghai she would have swapped her jacket for a Mao jacket, would have visited gambling clubs with Duchess of Windsor, she would have visited Marlene Dietrich in cabaret, she would have taken tea with the emperor and would have traveled with the Shanghai Express. Even if the film action is nothing but fantasy, I’m quite sure that the way Coco Chanel acts, speaks, reacts in this movie is very close to the real character’s way of being.





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