Jun 26, 2009

Valerie Leonard's Toy Soldiers .//


Connecticut based artist Valerie Leonard created an American flag out of more than six thousand toy soldiers.
Detailed pictures:

Louis Vuitton At Selfridges .//


Nice Speedy Concept Store installation from Louis Vuitton as part of Selfrdiges 100th anniversary celebrations . But this is so so V&R.. just like the champaigne glasses pyramid from the V&R Piper Heidsieck Rosé Sauvage commercial.

Jun 23, 2009

Picasso Drawing with light .//


Not long ago I posted about the amazing work of Lichtfaktor ( the guys with the lightwritting ) but what you probably don't know is that Pablo Picasso himself experienced the same type of art long time before them.
"LIFE photographer Gjon Mili visited Picasso in 1949. Mili showed the artist some of his photographs of ice skaters with tiny lights affixed to their skates jumping in the dark—and Picasso's mind began to race. The series of photographs that follows—Picasso’s light drawings—were made with a small flashlight in a dark room; the images vanished almost as soon as they were created."

Here are these never seen before pictures of Pablo Picasso

Pictures ©Life

Jun 22, 2009

Don’t Trust Me Remix - 3OH3! Feat. Kid Cudi


3OH3! and Kid Cudi together. WTF!? <3
Download: http://www.zshare.net/audio/61525412d2f8ac38/

* Ps: the f**ing handsign from the header picture spells 3oh3! *pourlesnules*

Boxi - "To die for" .//


Boxi is a street artist who creates hand cut multi layered life size stencils that he exhibits in galleries and on street walls.

Boxi's latest work is done in Athens, is entitled "To die for". It's an attempt to portray the blind purity of love, and a wall of belief that can end it all. The work is a reflection upon the recent execution of two young lovers in Afghanistan who were killed because their parents didn't aprove with their love."
The full story about them can be read here.

more of his work .//

Lilly Allen - Fuck You


Cute new Lily Allen videoclip .
Produced by Arnaud et Clement.
A little tour of Paris from Lilly's point of view.

Jun 21, 2009

Esref Armagan .//


The story of Esref Armagan is similar to the one of Stephen Wiltshire , the man that could draw an aerial panorama entirely from memory.
But Esref is even more outstanding.
He was born without eyes due to a genetic condition but he can paint and understand 3d perspective.
Here is how he outdones the famous renaissance architecht Filippo Brunelleschi.

Jun 19, 2009

Cai Guo-Qiang .//


Cai Guo-Qiang was born in 1957 in Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China. He attended the Shanghai Drama Institute and is trained in stage design.

His work has, since the outset, been scholarly and often politically charged. He initially began working with gunpowder to foster spontaneity and confront the suppression that he felt from the controlled artistic tradition and social climate in China at the time.
He uses the properties of gunpowder to create outstanding drawings,, exemplified in the series Projects for Extraterrestrials.
** Also check the head on installation!

Tunes of the week .//


Click each title for download.//

Yelle — Qui Est Cette Fille
"Qui est cette fille dont tu rêves tant ?
Qui est cette fille dont tu es l'amant ?
Qui est cette fille qui porte mes vêtements ?
Mais qui est-elle ?"

Imogen Heap — Speeding Cars

"There there baby
it’s just text book stuff
it’s in the ABC of growing up
Now now darling
oh don’t lose your head
cause none of us were angels
and you know I love you yeah"

I'm not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you (The Twelves Remix) - The black kids
"Word's on the streets and it's on the news:
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance with you.
He's got two left feet and he bites my moves.
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance! dance! dance! dance!
The second I do, I know we're gonna be through.
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance with you.
He don't suspect a thing. I wish he'd get a clue.
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance! dance! dance! dance!"

Jun 16, 2009

Passion Pit - Sleepyhead .//


Loved the track... loving the new video too. Here's Passion Pit's Sleepyhead!

Jun 15, 2009

Jeux d'enfants - C'était mieux que .//


C'était mieux que tout, mieux que la drogue, mieux que l'héro, mieux que la dope, coke, crack, fitj, joint, shit, shoot, snif, pét', ganja, marie-jeanne, cannabis, beuh, péyotl, buvard, acide, LSD, extasy. Mieux que le sexe, mieux que la fellation, soixante-neuf, partouze, masturbation, tantrisme, kama-sutra, brouette thaïlandaise. Mieux que le Nutella au beurre de cacahuète et le milk-shake banane. Mieux que toutes les trilogies de George Lucas, l'intégrale des muppets-show, la fin de 2001. Mieux que le déhanché d'Emma Peel, Marilyn, la schtroumpfette, Lara Croft, Naomi Campbell et le grain de beauté de Cindy Crawford. Mieux que la face B d'Abbey Road, les CD d'Hendrix, le nouveau p'tit pas de Neil Armstrong sur la lune. Le space-mountain, la ronde du Père-Noël, la fortune de Bill Gates, les transes du dalaï-lama, les NDE, la résurrection de Lazare, toutes les piquouzes de testostérone de Schwarzy, le collagène dans les lèvres de Pamela Anderson. Mieux que Woodstock et les rave-party les plus orgasmiques. Mieux que la défonce de Sade, Rimbaud, Morisson et Castaneda. Mieux que la liberté.

Mieux que la vie…

Jun 13, 2009

Doodle Bar .//


The Doodle Bar is a bar in London where you are allowed to draw on the walls, the floors, the tables, the chairs, the sofas, the bar staff, the waiters' shirts... everywhere. Marker pens are provided! The idea came from Serge Seidlitz and Jules Cocke of Squint Opera.

Jun 12, 2009

Design Evolution .//


From the queen's hat to Corn Flakes cereal boxes...how has everyday design evolved over the last half-century?

Banksy's Exhibition Exclusive Preview .//


Starting tomorrow Bristol will be hosting Banksy's exhibition for 12 weeks. Although his identity remains unknown due to ongoing legal issues it is thought the famous artist is from Bristol. According to the artist: 'This is the first show I've ever done where taxpayers' money is being used to hang my pictures up rather than scrape them off.'
Preview Pix .//
Trailer .//

Jun 9, 2009

FCD .//


Accidental am dat peste un numar vechi din linia peluzei sud, nr. 3 din 2007... nimic mai potrivit de spus pentru actuala situatie.

Dar noi vom bate din palme ...
Cat de tare ne doare...
La Dinamo asa e .//

Linia Peluzei nr. 3 Linia Peluzei nr. 3 | Peluza Sud Dinamo

Jun 8, 2009

Roger Federer .//


Congrats! Roger Federer's 14th grand slam title!

Jackson Pollock Tribute .//


As a huge fan of Jackson Pollock, I've been having this “Jack the dripper” frenzy for a few days, so I though I'd make this post ... & hope for a trip to MoMa to see his drips hanged next to Magritte's "The Lovers".

BBC.Art.Collection Jackson Pollock Part 1 .//
BBC.Art.Collection Jackson Pollock Part 2 .//
Jackson Pollock Biography .//
Jackson Pollock Website | You can create your own Pollock style painting .//


"Abstract painting is abstract. It confronts you. There was a reviewer a while back who wrote that my pictures didn't have any beginning or any end. He didn't mean it as a compliment, but it was." J.P

Jun 6, 2009

Bohemian Paris , Dan Franck .//


"Era vremea cînd Parisul era capitala lumii. Pe trotoarele din Montmartre şi Montparnasse, între Le Bateau-Lavoir şi Closerie des Lilas, sublimii "troublions" ("giuvaergii" aş traduce ), care inventau arta modernă şi limbajul secolului: Jarry cu bufniţa şi cu pistoalele sale, Picasso simpatizant anarhist, Apollinaire erotomanul, Max Jacob şi oamenii lui, Aragon "le flambeur" (unul ce joacă tare), Soutine singuraticul, Man Ray, Braque, Matisse, Breton şi ceilalţi...Veneau de peste tot, veneau din toate ţările, pictori, poeţi, sculptori, muzicieni, cubişti, suprarealişti, petrecăreţi, amorezaţi - liberi... Timp de trei decenii, ei au condus balul condeielor şi al pensulelor. Vieţile lor sunt flamboaiante, nu mai puţin decît operele lor. Iar operele lor - frumoase ca viaţa. Ei rămîn pentru totdeauna personajele propriilor legende... Au fost şi rămîn eroi ai vremii boemelor - o lume magnifică ale cărei reflexe încă luminează secolul care se încheie."
"C'était l'époque où Paris était la capitale du monde. Sur les trottoirs de Montmartre et de Montparnasse, entre le Bateau-Lavoir et la Closerie des Lilas, allaient les sublimes trublions qui inventaient l'art moderne et le langage du siècle : Jarry, son hibou et ses revolvers, Picasso, sympathisant anarchiste, Apollinaire, l'érotomane, Modigliani et ses femmes, Max Jacob et ses hommes, Aragon, le flambeur, Soutine, le solitaire, Man Ray, Braque, Matisse, Breton et les autres... Ils venaient de tous les pays. Ils étaient peintres, poètes, sculpteurs, musiciens. Fauves, cubistes, surréalistes, fêtards, amoureux - libres. Pendant trois décennies, ils menèrent le bal des plumes et des pinceaux. Leurs vies sont flamboyantes comme leurs œuvres. Et leurs œuvres, belles comme la vie. Ils demeurent à jamais les personnages de leurs propres légendes. Ils furent et restent les héros du temps des Bohèmes : un monde magnifique dont les reflets ne cesseront jamais de nous éclairer."

Jun 5, 2009

Sharpie Basement .//


Charlie Kratzer decorated his entire basement with 10$ worth of Sharpie pens.

Jun 4, 2009

Ebon Heath 's visual poetry .//


Ebon Heath is a creator of beautiful typographic sculptures . He lives and works in Brooklyn, NY as an artist and graphic designer. He has worked with major brands including establishing Triple 5 Soul and was a pioneering designer of Hip Hop records, winning an Art Directors award in '98 for his album design for Biggie. He is also a visiting Professor in graphic design at Lehman College (Cuny), NY .

Jun 3, 2009

John Pugh .//


3D mural paintings by John Pugh

"When developing a mural, I also respond to aspects of the location such as its architectural style or the natural surroundings. Often, I like to play with the art’s context by contrasting these environments with another place and/or time. This paradox or juxtaposition of environments transports the viewer on a journey from local reality into a new space. During this “voyage”, the viewer may experience sequential discoveries as my compositions are designed to unfold in narrative layers." John Pugh

Project Parallel .//


Project Parallel uses a pair of photos each week to portray the striking differences and the unexpected similarities between rural life in Leavenworth, Kansas and urban life in Chicago, Illinois.
The project will last 26 weeks. Each week, a different subject/idea will be presented beginning with the consecutive letter of the alphabet, from A to Z. Assignments will be completed in 7 days and the weekly photo comparisons will be posted each Monday.


Jun 2, 2009

La Poésie que j'aime .//


Nice collection of french poems. //
My favs: Louis Aragon & Paul Eluard

http://lapoesiequejaime.net .//


Il dissipe le jour,
Il montre aux hommes les images déliées de l'apparence,
Il enlève aux hommes la possibilité de se distraire.
Il est dur comme la pierre,
La pierre informe,
La pierre du mouvement et de la vue,
Et son éclat est tel que toutes les armures, tous les masques en sont faussés.
Ce que la main a pris dédaigne même de prendre la forme de la main,
Ce qui a été compris n'existe plus,
L'oiseau s'est confondu avec le vent,
Le ciel avec sa vérité,
L'homme avec sa réalité.

Gugle Rromales .//


Monoblepsia prezinta lansarea ultimei versiuni a celebrului motor de cautare Google. Acesta este mai disponibil in Rromales si se intituleaza Gugle.
Utilizatorii acestuia pot regasi la quick links termeni precum "Nunţi Botezuri Miss Piranda Duşmanii mei Banii mei ". Gugle poate deveni chiar si " cotrobaitoru default " , in timp ce traditionalele Google Tools sunt inlocuite de " Unelte de aiurit alarme". Toate acestea plus multe multe alte features .
