Jul 29, 2009

Amour Du Sol - Yelle


On fait l'amour, apres , t'es sûre, ouais ouais...

Jul 24, 2009

Dj Vadim - Beijos ft. Heidi Vogel


Anna Karina recites a Paul Eluard poem in "Alphaville"// Godard (1965) .//


Love is... :

Ta voix, tes yeux...
Tes mains, tes lèvres...
Nos silences, nos paroles...
La lumière qui s'en va...
La lumière qui revient.
Un seul sourire pour nous deux.
Par besoin de savoir,
J'ai vu la nuit créer le jour sans que nous changions d'apparence.
O bien aimé de tous,
Et bien aimé d'un seul...
Au silence de ta bouche
A promis d'être heureuse.
De loin en loin est la haine;
De proche en proche est l'amour.
Par la caresse,
Nous sortons de notre enfance.

Je vois de mieux en mieux la forme humaine
Comme un dialogue d'amoureux,
Le coeur n'a qu'une seule bouche.
Toutes les choses au hasard,
Tous les mots dits sans y penser
Les sentiments à la dérive
Les hommes tournent dans la ville.
Le regard, la parole
Et le fait que je t'aime.
Tout est en mouvement.
Il suffit d'avancer pour vivre,
D'aller droit devant soi,Vers tous ceux que l'on aime
J'allais vers toi, j'allais sans fin vers la lumière.
Si tu souris, c'est pour mieux m'envahir
Les rayons de tes bras entrouvaient le brouillard...

D'après l'oeuvre de Paul Eluard

Jul 16, 2009

Né dans la rue - Graffiti à la Fondation Cartier .//


After TAG , wich I attended at Grand Palais , Paris hosts another exhibition to highlight the street culture and graffiti movement. Né dans la rue ( Born in the streets *pourlesnules ) takes place from from July 7 to 29 November 2009 at the Fondation Cartier.

"Unfolds in the exhibition spaces on the front and garden to the Cartier Foundation, the exhibition highlights the extraordinary vitality of an art movement that took off in the streets of New York at the beginning 1970s and quickly became a global phenomenon (...). This exhibition seeks to trace the contours of a vast and complex territory, which today includes much of technology, ideas and different currents.
Offering an interpretation of the origins of the movement and a panorama of the plurality of contemporary writings, the exhibition was born in the street - Graffiti gives visitors the opportunity to discover an art form ever and ever-changing and renewing and the light that everyone is on the city. "
more after the jump .//

“Malle Mars” .//


Do you know what this is ?
No?! Let's open it.
*click to enlarge
It's a trunk. A custom-made Louis Vuitton trunk in commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of Apollo 11’s first lunar landing, which takes place on Jul 20th.

"The aerodynamic trunk, which looks like something out of “Star Trek,” opens up to unveil compartments for all kinds of space necessities — from tool and pharmaceuticals drawers to shelves for dishware and even a folding chair to take in the views of Earth."
"The trunk, as well as other NASA photographs, space toys, sculptures and astronomy photos, will be on view this Monday, when Louis Vuitton is celebrating the lunar landing’s anniversary with a party at the Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History. Vuitton North America president and chief executive officer Daniel Lalonde is playing host with Buzz Aldrin, Jim Lovell and Sally Ride — the history-making astronauts who star in the company’s new core values campaign."

Jul 15, 2009

40 years since Apollo 11 .//


"One small step for man, a giant leap for mankind."
On July 16, 2009 it will be 40 years since the lift off of Apollo 11.
On July 20, 2009 10:56 pm it will be 40 years since landing on the moon.
We chose to go to the moon! .//

http://wechoosethemoon.org let's us relieve the key moments of this mission.

Jul 9, 2009

Audi Centenary Sculpture .//


Gerry Judah's The 44 tonne ,32 metre-high sculpture for Audi at the Goodwood Festival of Speed in West Sussex, England.
The sculpture celebrates Audi’s achievements in motor sport with the legendary 1937 Auto Union Streamliner and the recently launched R8 V10 sports car at either end of a dramatic “swoosh” of tyre tracks, as if they are driving off into the sky.

Jul 5, 2009

Meek's 10 Picks .//


Bjorg jewellery .//


I stumbled upon Bjorg 's jewllery website and I was quite stunned. The intro movie is fantastic, and got my mind straight to Philippe Halsman's Dalí Atomicus photograph. At first it seemed it was just a plain similarity but then I noticed the painting on the wall in the ending of the intro movie. It's a reinterpretation of Lothar Wolleh's portrait of René Magritte. There's also a pipe in the Lookbook, also very Magritte-ish . So Bjorg's inspiration from surrealism art becomes obvious. Very Very sleek ... and adds a note of mistery to her jewlleries that are also interesting.

Electrabel - Brussels Airport .//


Brussels Airport currently hosts the most outstanding billboard ever. Using thermal cameras the energy of the passengers on the escaladers is shown live on 42 interactive LCD TV screens .
"It is your energy!"
A unique Famous advertising campaign for Electrabel, part of the GDF SUEZ Group, in collaboration with JCDecaux Innovate.



Oh man, Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan are so gonna love this!
This is anti-paparazzi bag created by Adam Harvey. Photos? No, thanks! In response to the rise of the paparazzi Adam created an anti-paparazzi device that communicates the desire to NOT be photographed. When the device detects a camera flash it responds with another flash that obscures the photo.
"Although Harvey began developing the device for his class, he wasn’t able to perfect it, and since last fall he has continued to refine the design. Currently the wiring and batteries fit in a ladies’ clutch, but he hopes to continue reducing the size of the device to the point that it could be worn in something as small as a pendant or tie tack. In its current form the device is activated by powering it on and then tilting the clutch. The sensor will register a flash being fired from up to a 45 degree angle each way."

Jul 4, 2009

B'ESTFEST : Looptroop Rockers Live .//


B'ESTFEST : Looptroop Rockers Live
Bucharest. 04.07.09
To sum it up: Rain (like we cared?!) , Front rows - 3 graffiti writers per squared metre, amazing looptroop live act, goosebumps during "Fly Away" but heh I have them even on headphones :)) .
My to-do-before-i-die-list is getting shorter and shorter.

Rohff - Clip officiel "Paris" .//


Bienvenue en vacances, sur l'Ile de France
Tu sais que c'est Paris, ici c'est Paris !

Paroles .//

Jul 3, 2009

Barack Obama: The Freshmen .//


Yes you can , Mr. president , yes you can! :) .//
The Barack Obama: The Freshmen exhibition by Lisa Jack. Currently showing at M+B in Los Angeles. The photos were taken at Occidental College when Barack was 20 years old. Lisa recalls that “Barry” showed up to the shoot with a bomber jacket, flared jeans, a pack of cigarettes and a Panama hat he thought would look “cool.”

Michael Jackson's Last Footage !


Michael Jackson's Last Footage, Staples Center, June 23 , 2 days before his death.

KW X KL .//


kanye west lagerfield karl dior homme

The flamboyant Kanye with his Stephen Sprouse Louis Vuitton scarf and b&w-ish Karl.

Les journalistes “But your scarf, is it really fur or something ?”

KanYe West “Yeah sure… it’s fur !”

Karl Lagerfeld “What ? You gonna hit us for that ?”

BLACK RAINBOW summer 09 video .//


Nice video of fashion crew BKRW (Black Rainbow) in Paris ♥ with stop motion and a funky soundtrack.

Pour célébrer le lancement de le lancement de la nouvelle capsule collection BLACK RAINBOW summer 09, BKRW magazine a réalisé avec le photographe germano-brésilien ALBRECHT GERLACH de réaliser une série mode vidéo.

Sears Tower - The Ledge .//


Sears Tower opened today its new set of glass balconies for public viewing. They seem to have been inspired by the famous "Glass Floor" that I personally had the opportunity to experience in CN Tower(Toronto, Canada). “The Ledge,” as they’re called, hangs 1,353 feet in the air. It has transparent walls and ceilings, visitors say its like floating in the sky, and the view is, of course, spectacular. It is said that these glass floor can withstand five tons.