Oct 31, 2016

Top 6 things to do while in Amsterdam

So you booked a trip to Amsterdam and you are trying what to do once you get there except smoke weed. Don't worry too much we've got you covered and we have compiled a list of things you can do in the beautiful city of Amsterdam.

1. Of course, the first thing we recommend is heading out to the Red Light District to catch a glimpse of an eye at all the beautiful Amsterdam escorts available there. If you are too lazy you can call an Amsterdam escort agency to send girls to your hotel.

2. With over 20,000 bicycles we recommend hopping on a bike and riding through the city to experience the real dutch life.

3. Visit the arty Jordaan neighborhood if you want to feel like going back in time. Lose the map and lose yourself in the surroundings.

4. Head over to Museumplein, the cultural beating of Amsterdam. You can find the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh Museum and the Stedelijk Museum of Modern Art here.

5. Take a cruise on Amsterdam's canal. The canal was built in the 17th century and is a UNESCO heritage protected canal belt. It provides an unbelievable sight of the city and an experience you will not forget very soon.

6. Enjoy the tulips that you can find all over the city. Your trip would not be genuine without a fresh smell of tulips. If you have a few hours you could visit the world-famous tulip fields (Bollenstreek) located between Harlem and Leiden. There is also a museum dedicated to tulips. You can find it in the Joordan.

Don't forget the local events websites to check out if there is a concert in the city. You may never know what pop-star is having a concert during your stay.

Nov 30, 2015

Restaurarea cladirilor vechi din caramida printr-o tehnica inovativa

curatare caramida

Sablara caramizii este o metoda relativ noua de curatare a zidariei construite recent, chiar daca acest sistem de curatare a fost folosit de mai multi ani in munca de restaurare a zidariei.

Multi arhitecti/ ingineri prefera acest tip de  curatare al caramizii in locul metodelor de curatare cu acid. Curatarea caramizii cu acid poate crea reactii adverse si poate duce la deteriorarea suprafetei.
Pentru a beneficia de cele mai bune rezultate in urma curatarii caramizii prin sablare, este important sa se apele la ajutor calificat in domeniu.

Curatarea caramizii implica urmatoarele echipamente: compresorul de aer portabil, rezervorul de sablare, duza de sablare, costum de protectie pentru operant.
Rezervorul de sablare este incarcat cu materiale abrazive, pentru ca mai apoi amestecul de aer comprimat si material abraziv sa fie propulsat in furtunul de sablare si mai apoi spre duza.

Modelul de curatare al caramizii este determinat de catre dimensiunea duzei, tipul si presiunea aerului. Viteza de curatare a caramizii este determinata de tipul de abraziv utilizat, dimensiunea duzei, tipul duzei, presiunea aerului si de catre distanta dintre duza si perete. Nu in ultimul rand, viteza de curatare mai depinde si de starea suprafetei care urmeaza sa fie curatata.

Tipul de materiale abrazive folosite de obicei pentru curatarea caramizii sunt:
-          nisipul
-          cuart
-          granit
Materialul abraziv de curatare trebuie sa fie in conformitate cu unul dintre cele doua tipuri de dimensiuni ale particulelor
1.      Tipul A: acest tip se folosete in cazul in care zidaria este usor murdara, sau cand este permisa numai o texturare foarte usoara sau fina a zidariei.
2.      Tipul B: acest tip se folosete pentru curatarea petelor dificile de mortar de zidarie, sau cand este permisa o texturare medie a zidariei.
Sablarea poate fi utilizata pentru curatarea tuturor tipurilor de caramida arsa, neteda sau texturata.
Caramizile facute manual sau cele extrem de vechi prezinta riscul de a fi deteriorate in cazul in care se foloseste sablarea pe suprafata acestora.

Ca o masura de precautie suplimentara, inainte de a apela la acest tip de serviciu trebuie mai intai sa se primeasca o aprobare din partea producatorului de caramida.

1.      Zidaria trebuie sa fie uscata si veche de cel putin 7 zile pentru a putea fi curatata.
2.      Inainte de sablare, toate particulele mari de mortar trebuie sa fie eliminate cu unelte de mana. Utilizati palete din lemn sau dalti.

Pentru o curatare fara a afecta suprata se poate apela la sablare cu gheata carbonica.
3.      Asigura o protectie adecvata pentru toate suprafetele adiacente zonei de lucru. Utilizati folie de plastic si banda adeziva pentru a proteja ferestrele/ usile.

Jan 8, 2012

Back in Business.//


After a long time of neglecting this blog (only three posts in 2011), I've decided it's time to resume posting and bookmarking all those lovely and creative artworks out there as another tool of expressing myself. Furthermore, to kick it up a notch each post will contain a track and quote alongside with the story itself. All related. Something for the mind, ear and eyes.

" Find a way to express what moves you. (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) "

Ray Vista - Don't Let It Go
Originally released on Neige Records, Canada in 1983.

Jan 24, 2011

Bending Buildings.//


First the streets of Paris (at least in Inception), now the facades of Lyon. In December, the Théatre des Celestins was the location of an unlikely phenomenon in the architecture world: a classical Beaux-Arts building smushed into a Gehry-esque blob. And all thanks to the vocal patterns of a very captive audience.

full story here:

The Four Icon Challenge .//


The Four Icon Challenge is a project by designer, Kyle Tezak. The goal is to sum up an entire book or movie using only four icons.

Ray-Ban Never Hide campaign .//


Great guerilla marketing idea for Ray-Ban Never Hide campaign in Paris.

full article here:

Nov 24, 2010

The Mickey Mouse Mask .//


The United States Army Chemical Museum has a very special gas mask. It looks like Mickey Mouse (©Disney)!! This mask was produced early in 1942 to protect children in case of a chemical attack on the United States.

May 24, 2010

Locks of love at the Ponte Milvio .//


Locks of love are the padlocks fixed by loving couples to symbolize their eternal love.
A couple would hang a padlock after inscribing their name or initials on it and throw the key away so that their love is locked forever.



A funny conversation between mobstr and the Newcastle City Council.

"NY-Z" - An ABSOLUT Collaboration with Jay-Z


May 18, 2010

Banksy Arrives in New York City .//


Banksy continues his North American tour. After spotting his art in Boston, now first works by the artist were seen in New York City. The opening is marked with a “I Heart NY” piece by Banksy, found on Cedar Street between Greenwich and Trinity.

May 16, 2010

Denis Smith's Lightwritting.//


I've previously posted about Lichtfaktor's lightwritting but the Australian photographer Denis Smith took this technique to the next level. Pushing the boundaries of light graffiti, Smith has produced something mysterious and mythical light shapes.

Apr 14, 2010

Oscar Diaz | Ink Calendar


"Ink Calendar" makes use the timed pace of the ink spreading on the paper to indicate time.

The ink is absorbed slowly, and the numbers in the calendar are "printed" daily. One a day, they are filled with ink until the end of the month. A calendar self-updated, which enhances the perception of time passing and not only signaling it.

The ink colors are based on a spectrum, which relate to a “color temperature scale”, each month having a color related to our perception of the whether on that month. The colors range from dark blue in December to, three shades of green in spring or oranges, red in the summer.

The scale for measuring the “color temperature” that I have used is a standard called ‘D65’ and corresponds roughly to a midday sun in Western / Northern Europe.

The "Ink Calendar" was developed for “Gradual “, an exhibition featuring works, which were evolving during the exhibition time at the London Design Festival 2007.


Mar 3, 2010

Lucas & Cameron .//


1998: Lucas Sent This To Cameron, When Titanic Dethroned Star Wars At The Box Office